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Symptoms & Treatment for Alcoholic Neuropathy


These two groups, however, were distinct from the standpoint that nerve conduction velocities were slower and sural nerve biopsy specimens revealed more segmental demyelination in the post gastrectomy group. Protein kinase C is a family of protein kinases consisting of approximately 10 isozymes. PKC is involved in receptor desensitization, modulating membrane structure events, regulating transcription, mediating immune responses, regulating cell growth and in learning and memory. These functions are achieved by PKC mediated phosphorylation of other proteins . Apart from above function, over-activation of epsilon form of protein kinase C (PKCε) is known to be involved in mediating neuropathic pain, such as pain induced by cancer chemotherapy and diabetes . PKC and protein kinase A are both known to be important in nociceptor function [57–59].


alcohol neuropathy-related peripheral neuropathy generally presents as a progressive, predominantly sensory axonal length-dependent neuropathy. The most important risk factor for alcohol-related peripheral neuropathy is the total lifetime dose of ethanol, although other risk factors have been identified including genetic, male gender, and type of alcohol consumed.

How Does Alcohol Damage the Nerves?

An intravenous home parenteral nutrition formula may be a part of the treatment plan for those with alcoholic polyneuropathy who also have a nutritional deficiency. Although there is no known cure for alcoholic polyneuropathy, there are a number of treatments that can control symptoms and promote independence. Physical therapy is beneficial for strength training of weakened muscles, as well as for gait and balance training. In addition to alcoholic polyneuropathy, the individual may also show other related disorders such as Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome and cerebellar degeneration that result from alcoholism-related nutritional disorders.

Fox Integhttps://ecosoberhouse.com/ed Healthcare offers a variety of treatments that are proven to combat neuropathy without medication. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you with alcoholic neuropathy. To confirm the diagnosis, a physician must rule out other causes of similar clinical syndromes.

What Are the Causes of This Type of Nerve Damage?

Research also continued on reasons for the development of alcoholic polyneuropathy. Some argue it is a direct result of alcohol’s toxic effect on the nerves, but others say factors such as a nutritional deficiency or chronic liver disease may play a role in the development as well.


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